Godjira is a collection of 333 Unique Genesis Jiras and 3333 Gen2 Jiras on the ethereum blockchain living as NFTs. Godjira focusses on building a community that provides its members with both online and real life utility. Both Gen 1 and Gen 2 have incredible tokenomics and aim to build an ecosystem like no other.

Shan, the Co-Founder of Project Godjira, is also a member of the Core Team at Artificial Intelligence Club and will be working with Lock and AstroX to build and provide its members with real value. As a result of this, all Gen 1 Artificial Intelligence Club holders will receive whitelists for all future project that fall under the Godjira umbrella.


Kaiju Kingz is a collection of 3333 Genesis Kaijus and 6666 Baby Kaijus. The project is founded by OhDots, and created under his own company: Augminted Labs. The Kaiju Kingz creed is to expand the Metaverse by supporting talented creatives and developers looking to break into NFTs. They hope to deliver life changing scholarships and development grants through the KaijuKingz DAO; created first and foremost by and for the KaijuKingz community to enrich the Web3 and creative landscape..


Star Wolvez is a collection of 100 Unique Genesis Wolvez and 8880 Generative Get 2 Wolvez living on the Ethereum blockchain. Star Wolvez focus on building for the long-term with careful consideration for every action and a belief that Web3 means doing things differently and better. The Star Wolvez game is interoperable, allowing NFTs from other selected collections to be used to form crews and enhance the gameplay and earnings.

The nature of the Star Wolvez and Artificial Intelligence Club partnership will feature integration of AIC agents into the Star Wolvez game.

314 Artificial Intelligence Agents created in a mysterious laboratory, launching into the unknown.

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